Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Don't grope on me

This is an apt image from the Fly With Dignity website which is one of the ad hoc groups focusing and organizing opposition to the new Homeland Security/TSA nude scanners and "feel-up" pat-downs. You can get more information, sign a petition, submit or read stories of abuse and learn of other ways to get involved in fighting this. These insecurity measures and the thinking behind them are a greater threat to the liberty and principles that make this country great than any terrorist attack ever could be. Even taking down the twin towers, with all of the tragic loss of life, couldn't destroy America. Turning it into an ever-more dehumanizing police state by ginning up crises for the power and profit of a few, however, will do the trick.

The government already has it fingers in far too much of our daily lives; I won't let them into my pants as well.

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