Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Calling all grumpy old men

I had put out invitations to other guys who have not responded as of yet.  Keep in mind that "grumpy" and "old" are relative terms.  You don't have to be a Gino level of grumpiness, or a kingdavid level of old, to be considered a grumpy old man.  (although you do have to be a man, sorry Gabrielle)  I'm sure PalmBoy could be considered a grumpy old man, at least to the k-12 set.

If you want to get invited on board, just let us know.  Leave a comment that you're interested, and we'll get a permission sent out.


  1. we should make the primary requirment that you had to have had a prostate exam at least once.

  2. I'm not even 20!

    I can be grumpy though... if ya'll want to pass judgement upon my request for member ship at amongst the Men of the Square Table, I'd love to be part of this.

  3. clearly, a traumatic experience for you,brad?

    as for me: i just closed my eyes, and thought of england.

  4. "if ya'll want to pass judgement upon my request for member ship at amongst the Men of the Square Table, I'd love to be part of this."

    we'd love to have you. now, go see your doctor.

  5. PB: welcome, I will send out the permission tonight. (that's if I remember, my memory is going---and my eyes, and my back; my prostate is fine though)

  6. I'm very interested in sharing my grumpy oldness. As for the exam, phhht, that's nothing compared to what the government has in store for us. OUCH! What the... no kiss?

    As for carp:

    I [club] carp!

  7. i insist that the exam be necessary for membership.

    it verifies and adds to the state of grumpyness. if it doesnt, there is always the Rainbow Blog for you.

    you can do it palm boy!
    it'll be good for ya. i had my first at 24 (long story). a few yrs earlier can only strengthen your already stellar character.

  8. Cripes. This bargain has suddenly become a lot more painful sounding.

  9. That's OK, I'm clearly not Grumpy, and no matter what you say, I'm not old either, so it wouldn't matter if I were a man!
