Monday, March 29, 2010

New Flashlight

I received my first Maglite (AA) at the age of 9 from my dad when we were starting up in cub scouts.
10 years later, after years of unfailing reliability and dependability, albeit with frequent bulb changes, I altered the light with an LED bulb.

For the past 3 years, it has continued to provide splendid service, just requiring the occasional battery change.
Yesterday, I pulled it out of my bag to shed some light on a situation, and nothing happened. Confused, I opened it up to pull the batteries out and look inside. No such luck, both Duracell's were corroded on the interior.
The one closest to the end cap came out, the other one is still jammed inside, teasing me with its stubborn ways.

Alas, its time for a new flashlight.
I like the size, 2AA is a good shape and size. I'm not searching for awe inspiring brightness, but durability and reliability are the priorities.

So, what of it Grumpy Men of the Round Table? Suggestions?


  1. i suggest another maglite.
    there is no substitute.

  2. Black and Decker has this light that has a built in tri-pod. It doesn't use a bulb at all, it's more like a computer circuit. I kid you not it is brighter than the sun. you can put batteries in all 3 legs and right now I only have filled.

  3. as if its a replacement for maglite.... (rolling my eyes at guitarman).

  4. and dont forget, the proper size maglite can also serve as an effective truncheon.
    how can you beat that?

  5. I've got a 4 D-cell mag light under the seat of my Tahoe.

  6. i think they make it up to 6 d-cells.

    you can damn near hunt with that one.

  7. Maglite if you can afford it. I've had many a plastic flashlight, and the only nice thing I can say about them is that you don't cry when your children ruin them by taking them apart and losing half the parts.

    Ya know, with LEDs, one ought to be able to have a powerful flashlight that's very light as well.....make it out of carbon fiber and you have a flexible truncheon that will float if it falls out of your fishin' boat.
