Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Men, stay away from Malawi!

Apparently, the government of Malawi is considering legislation that would make breaking wind a crime.  Obviously, most of us had better stay away, as those of us who honor the loons at PETA with our diets will probably NOT be allowed to use "making lifesaving medical treatments" as a defense against charges of "disturbing the public tranquility" in that fair nation.

On a more serious note, it is entirely likely that if this law is enacted, it will make it even more difficult for this nation to feed itself; a quick look at the agricultural output of the nation indicates that one thing that could really help there is the increased cultivation of beans and legumes of various kinds.  If they ban breaking wind, however, don't count on farmers to see increased demand for these products, to put it mildly.


  1. What? What about the elderly? Both of my parents are farting machines!!

  2. Malawi, I fart in your general direction.

  3. Yeah, if it weren't a $5000 expense to go to Malawi, and if breaking their law wouldn't land us in a third world prison, I'd be severely tempted to load up on Hormel Chili with Beans and Stroh's and stage a protest.

  4. How many dogs will be framed for this crime?
